Club News

Check here regularly for the latest PLYC news. Frequent updates make this the first place any news will be available.


Current Jib Sheet

The Jib Sheet is updated on the first of each month. Check here to see what is new at the Port Ludlow Yacht Club.


Red Knot & The Raccoons!

If you’ve been to Blake Island, you know how friendly the resident raccoons can be. The park hosts warn all boaters and campers to keep nothing edible anywhere in sight. A few weeks ago on the way back from a terrific South Sound cruise, we stopped for two days at Blake Island and got the usual warning…


Exchanging Burgees with the World’s Oldest Yacht Club

John Neese made the trip to the Royal Cork Yacht Club in Cork Ireland, the World’s oldest yacht club, and exchanged burgees. The Royal Cork Yacht Club was founded in 1720. It will be an honor to have that burgee added to our collection in the Wreck Room.

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Women’s Group’s at Sunfield Farm & Waldorf School

On June 7th, the women’s group spent the afternoon touring the Sunfield Farm & Waldorf School in Port Hadlock. Pictures are worth a thousand words, so we hope that those of you who were unable to attend enjoy seeing our experience through the photos as much as reading about it...


Women’s History Vessel Felicity Ann

The wooden boat sailed by the first woman to make a single-handed Atlantic crossing in 1952-53, sailed into Port Ludlow on June 16th and received a warm welcome from PLYC members. The visit was part of Felicity Ann’s “Victory Lap” debut voyage with an all-women crew, calling at eight ports in three weeks to share...