Our cruising schedule is an important part of the yacht club. Cruises foster friendships and often provide training and help for less experienced boaters. We visit some of the most beautiful cruising grounds in the world which are right at our doorstep. Our cruises are well planned and coordinated, while being informal and relaxing.
Cruises are run by volunteer directors who create itineraries and coordinate activities. Working together to organize cruises is fun, and a great way to get to know other members as you plan where to go and what to do. Cruises are an important part of PLYC’s identity, and we’re known for our extensive cruising activities. Participating in cruises is also an excellent way to get to know other members, and take advantage of our collective knowledge and expertise. We plan social hours and potlucks, often have spontaneous gatherings on the docks, and join others in outings that lead to lifelong friendships.
PLYC maintains an active cruising program, open to all members and all types of vessels. Non-boaters are also welcome on cruises since many destinations are easily reached by land and offer nearby hotel accommodations and restaurants.
Our power boat cruises are usually longer and cover greater distances than the sailing cruises, although both welcome participation by motor or sailing vessels.
We plan for monthly cruises from April through October, with an additional holiday cruise in December. Most cruises average nine or ten days, with the April Wake Up Cruise and December Holiday Cruise being four days.
Club cruises are organized by members, typically two or three couples. Some cruises have several scheduled activities; others have few. The destinations, timings and activities are all decided by the directors, who are usually experienced boaters and know the areas and marinas to be explored. Cruises can have any number of members joining the fun. We’ve had as few as 12 and as many as 25.
The PLYC sailing program operates from June through September. Sailing cruises are usually two to four days traveling less than 30 nautical miles to one destination with one longer 10 day cruise to the San Juan and Gulf Islands each summer. Sailors have also taken longer cruises to various destinations. Enjoy a variety of cruising experiences together with shore excursions, and all the various meals and activities. Members with power vessels are welcome to join sailing cruises.
Sailors also hold Wednesday afternoon sailings throughout the sailing season, and a season-end event. The PLYC sailing group is lots of fun.
Most of our cruises go to marinas, where we have many of our activities. Destinations may also have mooring buoys and areas to anchor.
Impromptu gatherings on member boats are frequent and popular, with others heading off on hikes or visits to local sights.
We often hold early evening social hours on the dock with drinks and appetizers. We also plan one or two evening potlucks where our members can show off their outstanding culinary skills.
PLYC is a strong boating community with great camaraderie among members. We always offer help when needed with boat handling, navigation, ideas on where to cruise, and how to deal with the difficulties that may arise when boating.
Whether you’re cruising with the club or working on your boat at the dock, PLYC members are always willing to offer suggestions and help based on decades of experience.
Following are examples of typical PLYC cruises. They show members enjoying each other’s company while cruising in the U.S. and Canada.
April’s Wake-Up Cruise traditionally travels down Hood Canal visiting Pleasant Harbor and Alderbrook. This cruise is popular since it’s the first of the season and provides a safe opportunity to check boat systems and refresh skills while surrounded by other club members. If help is needed, we provide it! The cruise is also popular because of a few planned events like chili contests, shopping near Alderbrook, and pizza night at Pleasant Harbor.
The Commodore’s Cruise is a highlight because of the destinations the commodore chooses. Past cruises have included the South Sound, San Juans, and Gulf Islands on up to Nanaimo and beyond. Many members use this cruise as a jumping-off point to head further north. And the commodore always includes a good mix of marinas and anchoring options.
Cruising in Canada is very popular because of the enormous range of options to enjoy. We’ve explored the Gulf Islands, cruised the Sunshine Coast, and ventured into Princess Louisa Inlet. Canadian cruising has proven even more popular the past few years where smaller member groups will create their own cruise itineraries heading to Desolation Sound and the Broughtons.